YMCA Camp Potawotami Outdoor Education offers Adventure and STEM based programming all in one location. From activities ranging from Rock Climbing Tower to Living History, From Archery to Water Ecology, From Boating to Owl Study: students can participate in wide variety of highly organized learning experiences. We teach about themselves, about others, and about the outdoors by being outdoors together.
YMCA Camp Potawotami Outdoor Education offers activities that develop the whole student. Our activities will be based on "choose your challenge" philosophy, which means that students determine what success looks like for themselves while being encouraged to push themselves to try new things. Our programs are designed to downplay individual competition and encouraging fun and collaboration as a community. As a team, we emphasize positive language, celebrate encouragement and teamwork, and reflect on how we impact others with our action and words. We work hard to ensure that camp is a safe place for everyone - socially, emotionally, and physically.
Classes Offered
Living History Environmental Study Animal Study
Pioneer Living Archery Owl Study
Candle Making Rock Climbing Tower Predator/ Prey
Recreation Evening Program Group Building
Lake Study The Potawotami Trail Teambuilding 1
Wetlands Nike Hike Teambuilding 2
Tree Study Campfire Low Ropes/ Brownie Walk
How Tall is that Tree? Camp Olympics
Star Lab Nike Sky
Outdoor Education
Wilderness Survival
Compass Challenge
*Because bad or windy weather can easily cancel this class, please choose an alternative class we can use if needed.
YMCA Camp Potawotami offers both day and overnight programs to give students a hands-on educational experience. YMCA Camp Potawotami can host up to 120 students & Chaperones at a time. Our classes highlight natural science, community building and outdoor adventure classes.
Contact us today at camp@fwymca.org and check out the Planning Guide / Action Plan in the Teacher & School Resouces tab to get started with your booking. Space is limited - contact us today!
Interested in being an Instructor?
Contact us at camp@fwymca.org or call (260) 351-2525